Nietzsche’s “Ecce Homo”

Duncan Large / Nicholas Martin (Editors)

Friedrich Nietzsche’s intellectual autobiography Ecce Homo has always been a controversial book.Nietzsche prepared it for publication just before he became incurably insane in early 1889, but it was held back until after his death, and finally appeared only in 1908.For much of the first century of its reception, Ecce Homo met with a sceptical response and was viewed as merely a testament to its author’s incipient madness.This was hardly surprising, since he is deliberately outrageous with the ‘megalomaniacal’ self-advertisement of his chapter titles, and brazenly claims ‘I am not a man, I am dynamite’ as he attempts to explode one preconception after another in the Western philosophical tradition.In recent decades there has been increased interest in the work, especially in the English-speaking world, but the present volume is the first collection of essays in any language devoted to the work.Most of the essays are selected from the proceedings of an international conference held in London to mark the centenary of the first publication of Ecce Homo in 2008. They are supplemented by a number of specially commissioned essays.Contributors include established and emerging Nietzsche scholars from the UK and USA, Germany and France, Portugal, Sweden and the Netherlands.
Edited by:Nicholas Martin and Duncan Large, De Gruyter, 2021


Table of Contents

Duncan Large and Nicholas Martin: Editors’ Introduction

Daniel Conway: Nietzsche’s Perfect Day Elegy and Rebirth in Ecce Homo

I Ecce Homo: Autobiography and Subjectivity

Anthony K. Jensen: Self-Knowledge in Narrative Autobiography

Kathleen Merrow: “How One Becomes What One Is” Intertextuality and Autobiography in Ecce Homo

Aaron Parrett: Ecce Homo and Augustine’s Confessions Autobiography and the End(s) of Faith

André van der Braak: How One Becomes What One Is

Rebecca Bamford: Ecce Homo: Philosophical Autobiography in the Flesh

II Specific Concepts in Ecce Homo

Paul Bishop: Ecce Homo and Nietzsche’s Concept of Character

Katrina Mitcheson: Ecce Homo as Nietzsche’s Honest Lie

Julia S. Happ: “[K]ein Nordwind bin ich reifen Feigen” Nietzsche’s Ambivalent Concepts of (Literary) Decadence

Carol Diethe: Lost in Translation: or Rhubarb, Rhubarb!

III Ecce Homo in Relation to Nietzsche’s Other Writings

Frank Chouraqui: Self-Becoming, Culture and Education From Schopenhauer as Educator to Ecce Homo

Paul S. Loeb: Ecce Superhomo How Zarathustra Became What Nietzsche Was Not

Thomas Brobjer: The Roles of Zarathustra and Dionysos in Nietzsche’s Ecce Homo and Late Philosophy

IV Revaluation and Revolution

Martine Prange: From “Saint” to “Satyr” Nietzsche’s Ethics of Self-Transfiguration in Ecce Homo and its Contemporary Relevance

Heike Schotten: “Ecrasez l’infâme!” Nietzsche’s Revolution for All and (N)one

Yannick Souladié: A “Foretaste” of Revaluation

V Inspiration, Madness and Extremity

Maria João Mayer Branco: Nietzsche’s Inspiration Reading Ecce Homo in the Light of Plato’s Ion

John F. Whitmire, Jr.: Apocalyptic ‘Madness’ Strategies for Reading Ecce Homo

Martin Liebscher: Podachs zusammengebrochenes Werk Erneutes Abschreiten der Grenzen psychologischer Nietzsche-Deutung

Duncan Large: “The Magic of the Extreme” Hyperbolic Rhetoric in Ecce Homo

Werner Stegmaier: Nietzsche’s Self-Evaluation as the Destiny of Philosophy and Humanity (Ecce Homo, “Why I Am a Destiny” 1)

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