Nietzsche & Religious Conflict. Talibanism in the Abrahamic Religions- an evening with Horst Hutter

October 12th, 84 Havemeyer St., Brooklyn

What happens when the metaphysics of religions loose their ability to calm anxieties? What are the movements in the ‘soul,’ as Nietzsche configures it, that ignite in us emotions of fear and anxiety, anger and rage? How does a rethinking of Nietzsche’s reversal of Platonism help us to critically confront the psychopolitics of our contemporary situation, plagued by war, religious strife, psychic conflict and the incapacity to manage the resources of the planet?

Date: October 12th

Time: 7 – 10 PM

Place: The Change You Want to See, 84 Havemeyer St. (corner of Metropolitan), Wiliamsburg, Brooklyn (L to Bedford, G to Metropolitan, J/M/Z to Marcy)

A potlatch with food and drinks, feel free to BYO, suggested donation $5

For a guaranteed space, please rsvp at “ncinfo AT nietzschecircle DOT com”

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